22 décembre, 2007

mains agiles
"Au pays des mains agiles" Travaux manuels le livre entier ici(the entire book here)

6 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

This is just PERFECT!!! Exactly what I needed, the boys have already decided what we are going to do from it. This will save our winter break. Thanks so very very much!

pita ou franck a dit…

thanks to you , I like that kind of activity book , I m happy but suprise if they don t find it to much demodee (old fashion) they are so much technology and sophisticate toys now......
Hope you and your family have a very good christmas time.

candide a dit…

Je vous souhaite une très belle fête de Noël.

Anonyme a dit…

Un joyeux Noël pour toi Pita.

pita ou franck a dit…

Thanks Celina, Gery, merci Candide et Manuel for your wishs.
Have all a very good Christmas and a Happy end of year !

Delphine a dit…

Meilleurs Voeux, chère Pita !

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