16 décembre, 2007

cap epouvante 1 cap epouvante 2 cap epouvante 3
cap epouvante 4 cap epouvante 5 cap epouvante 6
cap epouvante 7 cap epouvante 8 cap epouvante 9
cap epouvante 10 cap epouvante 11 cap epouvante 12
cap epouvante 13 cap epouvante 14 cap epouvante 15
cap epouvante 16 cap epouvante 17 cap epouvante 18

"Le cap de l'épouvante" (1937)

2 commentaires:

  1. I admire your great efforts and your commitments to your blog...few have been as diligent...and the fruits of your labors are all over the net...well done.

    I thank you...it was after visiting your site almost a month ago that I made the decision to add images to my poetry site...and now the cat is out of the bag...

    I also added your site to my blogroll...

    Be Well


  2. Thanks Poetman, it's good if you find some pics here to illustrade your blog
    ;-) patricia


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