10 janvier, 2008

tour autour du cou
cyclisme cyclisme cyclisme
cyclisme cyclisme
cyclisme cyclisme
cyclisme cyclisme cyclisme
cyclisme cyclisme
cyclisme cyclisme
cyclisme cyclisme
cyclisme cyclisme
"le tour autour du cou" Marie-France 1952.
Images album Nestlé (1936-37) cyclisme

3 commentaires:

  1. Cool! I have a friend who's crazy about cycles. Will give her these and make her very happy! Thanks again Pita for an excellent post :)

  2. Thank Annukka ,it was for some body who ask me if I have some things about cycles ,i just find that I'll like to find more but ...
    I look also for a blog or website about history cycles don't find nothing very good , do you know something?
    Bonne année - Happy New year 2008

  3. Pita, sorry but I don't know anything about cycles or their history :) Will ask my friend though, and let's hope she has something in store...


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