14 janvier, 2008

Un téléphérique (almanach 1951)
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"Roudoudou, Riquiqui" sport d'hiver (1964)
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4 commentaires:

  1. Hi Pita,

    Maybe you can help me.
    I tryed to find vintage or 19th Century Silhouettes in the internet without sucess. As I'll use them as templates to make my owns, it would be good if they have high resolutions. Do you have any idea where I can find them? Even though in low resolution? (some museums, libraries ???).
    Do you have any silhouettes besides the Ribambelle that you published at webshots ?

    Tks and congratulation again for your unique site.
    Eliana/New York

  2. Thanks Ksklein
    hi Eliana
    I've also this on webshot not realy silhouettes just cut-out and this one
    I find also two vintage childen book here , the first and the second
    This link is not vintage but a tutorial to make silhouettes perhaps you like it
    a page on Beinecke library with tag silhouette this page on VTS
    You can shearch here :
    this fun picture about ombres chinoises
    that's all for now I'll try to find more you can shearsh on big libraries like congrès and many other you can find a libraries list at the end of this page on the wontherfull BibliOdissey

  3. Hi Pita,

    I really appreciated all the information you gave me. I have already explored the links and I found interestings images, tips and links. I also enjoyed yours cut-out imagens. I'll dowload some of them. If you have more let me know.
    Besides the delightful site, Franck and you are a priceless source of information in the internet :-)
    Tks a lot,

    PS: During my research I found by chance a captivating page with "images de diables de différentes époques"


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