22 avril, 2009

les musiciens

musiciens a4 1 musiciens a4 2 musiciens a4 3 musiciens a4 4
Découpage grandes constructions mécanisme d'Epinal "Les musiciens"

4 commentaires:

  1. Beautiful! I adore your blog -- your collection is vast.

    I will be in Paris, May 2-10. Any recommendations for brocantes that may have interesting vintage paper of any kind?

  2. Thanks Linda,
    When I was living near Paris my favorite flea market was Les Puces de Vanves not specialy for vintage paper but for every vintage thing.
    Have a very good time in Paris.

  3. Thank you! I will be sure to check out Les Puces!

  4. merci pour ces belles illustrations qui me rappellent beaucoup de souvenirs...


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