24 février, 2014

canetalbumecriture p0canetalbumecriture p1vivacatharina
Carnet d'écriture couv. et carte postale "Vive St Catherine"

2 commentaires:

  1. Hello ! My name is Catrin Welz-Stein and I'm a digital Artist!
    You have a great Blog full of fantastic images! I'm always on the search for images I could use for my art and I would be so happy if I could use some of yours out of your big portfolio! Would this be possible? I tare images apart and collage them new in photoshop together. You can have a look at my Blog: catrinwelzstein.blogspot.com

    Thanks for your reply!
    Cheers Catrin

  2. Hello Catrin,
    Of course you can use all pictures you want for your art ,no problem;


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