27 février, 2010

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jeu de lettres "Lexicon" (1937)

4 commentaires:

microdot a dit…

You are changing everything...but I absolutely adore your new title font!
This is my favorite blog ever!

pita ou franck a dit…

thanks Microdot,
in fact "blogger" change the way to show the page ,in the past 50 post by page and after change only 50 pictures by page so no choice for me, must say good-bye to my very old model and put a more modern version and well it's more easy to use , no?
i like my new title too and maybe i change sometime for fun .

Denis Dubois a dit…

Salut Patricia,

Je vois que tu fais le grand ménage de printemps sur ton blog...
Pas mal mais je trouve que les liens étaient plus accessibles sur le côté droit plutôt que tout à la fin.

Autrement le choix des images est toujours aussi savoureux !

à plus

Liza Cowan a dit…

love the new banner. Great posts, as usual. Did you see you were linked at Design Observer today?

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